The database contains 22 references relating to the Safety and Benefits of Biotechnology and "survey".
References relating to "survey":
Genetically modified maize impacts in Honduras: production and social issues
Macall DM, Trabanino CR, Soto AH, Smyth SJ
Stakeholders perception about environmental and health hazards of genetically modified crops in Punjab
Ray PR, Rampal VK
Assessing the potential economic benefits to farmers from various GM crops becoming available in the European Union by 2025: Results from an expert survey
Jones PJ, McFarlane ID, Park JR, Tranter RB
Adoption of Genetically Engineered Crops in the U.S.
Bt cotton and sustainability of pesticide reductions in India
Krishna VV, Qaim M
Benefits of Bt cotton counterbalanced by secondary pests? Perceptions of ecological change in China.
Azadi H, Ho P, Zhao J
Peer-reviewed surveys indicate positive impact of commercialized GM crops
Carpenter JE
Inequality and GM Crops: A Case-Study of Bt Cotton in India
Bennet RM, Ismael Y, Morse S
Bt cotton performance and constraints in central India
Ingle RK, Ramasundaram P, Vennila S
Farm-level performance of genetically modified cotton: A frontier analysis of cotton production in Maharshtra
Bennet RM, Ismael Y, Kambhampati U, Morse S
Performance Results and Characteristics of Adopters of Genetically Engineered Soybeans in Delaware
Bernard JC, Fan C, Pesek JD
The Adoption and Economics of Bt Cotton in India: Preliminary Results from a Study
Gandhi VP, Namboodiri NV
The economic impact of genetically modified cotton on South African smallholders: Yield, profit and health effects
Bennet RM, Ismael Y, Morse S
An economic assessment of banana genetic improvement and innovation in the Lake Victoria region of Uganda and Tanzania
Smale M, Tushemereirwe WK
Bt cotton and pesticide use in Argentina:economic and environmental effects
de Janvry A, Qaim M
The economic impacts of biotechnology-based technological innovations. ESA Working Paper No. 04-08.
Brookes G
Modelling Possible Impacts of GM Crops on Australian Trade, Productivity.
Dolling A, Matysek A, Stone S
Five years of Bt cotton in China – the benefits continue
Hu R, Huang J, Pray CE, Rozelle S
Plant biotechnology in China.
Huang J, Pray C, Rozelle S, Wang Q