Biotech benefits

Farm-level performance of genetically modified cotton: A frontier analysis of cotton production in Maharshtra

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Abstract or Summary

In this paper, the yield increases resulting from the cultivation of Bt cotton in Maharashtra, India, are analysed. The study relies on commercial farm, rather than trial, data and is among the first of its kind to be based on real farm and market conditions. Findings show that since its commercial release in 2002, Bt cotton has had a significant positive impact on yields and on the economic performance of cotton growers in Maharashtra. This difference remains even after controlling for different soil and insecticide inputs in the production of Bt cotton. There is also significant spatial and temporal variation in this 'benefit', and much depends upon where production is taking place and on the season.


Farm-level performance of genetically modified cotton: A frontier analysis of cotton production in Maharshtra (held on an external server, and so may require additional authentication details)

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