The database contains 20 references relating to the Safety and Benefits of Biotechnology and "Spain".
References relating to "Spain":
Sustainability of Bt maize in Spain (1998- 2021): An economic, social and environmental analysis.
Areal FJ, Riesgo L
Twenty-one years of using insect resistant (GM) maize in Spain and Portugal: farm-level economic and environmental contributions
Brookes G
Farm-scale evaluation of the impact of Cry1Ab Bt maize on canopy nontarget arthropods: a 3-year study
Arias-Martin M, García M, Castanera P, Ortego F, Farinós GP
Benefits of Bt maize in Spain (1998-2015). Benefits from an economic, social and environmental viewpoint.
Areal FJ
Pollen-mediated gene flow in the cultivation of transgenic cotton under experimental field conditions in Spain
Loureiro I, García-Ruiz E, Antonio Gutiérrez M, Gómez P, Escorial M-C, Chueca M-C
No effects of Bacillus thuringiensis maize on nontarget organisms in the field in southern Europe: a meta-analysis of 26 arthropod taxa
Albajes R, Comas C, Lumbierres B, Pons X
Effect of Cry1Ab Protein on Rhizobacterial Communities of Bt-Maize over a Four-Year Cultivation Period
Barriuso J, Mellado RP, Valverde JR
Benefits and Costs of Biologically Contained Genetically Modified Tomatoes and Eggplants in Italy and Spain
Ansink E, Groeneveld RA, Van De Wesseler J, Wiel C
Bt maize fed-prey mediated effect on fitness and digestive physiology of the ground predator Poecilus cupreus L. (Coleoptera: Carabidae)
Alvarez-Alfageme F, Ortego F, et al.
Natural variation in crop composition and the impact of transgenesis
Harrigan GG, et al.
Diversity and seasonal phenology of aboveground arthropods in conventional and transgenic maize crops in Central Spain
Farinós GP, et al.
Prey mediated effects of Bt maize on fitness and digestive physiology of the red spider mite predator Stethorus punctillum Weise (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)
Alvarez-Alfageme F, et al.
First impact of biotechnology in the EU: Bt Maize adoption in Spain
Demont M, Tollens E
GM Crops in Europe: How Much Value and for Whom?
Demont M, Dillen K, Mathijs E, Tollens E
The benefits of adopting genetically modified, insect resistant (Bt) maize in the European Union (EU): first results from 1998-2006 plantings
Brookes G
Coexistence of GM and non-GM arable crops: the non-GM and organic context in the EU
Barfoot P, Brookes G
The farm level impact of using Bt maize in Spain
Brookes G
Modelling Possible Impacts of GM Crops on Australian Trade, Productivity.
Dolling A, Matysek A, Stone S