Evaluation of the effect of genetically modified RR soya bean and MON 810 maize in the diet of Japanese quail on chosen aspects of their productivity and retention of transgenic DNA in tissues
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Abstract or Summary
The objective of the study was to evaluate the impact of genetically modified ingredients (soya bean meal and maize grain) used in poultry diets on birds’ performance and also accumulation of the transgenic DNA in eggs, breast muscle and internal organs. In the present experiment four generations of Japanese quails which were subject to three different diets: two containing genetically modified organisms (soya and maize) and one control GMO-free, were analysed. Birds’ performance traits were monitored along the trial. A screening molecular method (PCR amplification) was used to detect CaMV 35S promoter and nos terminator in the collected samples. Results showed no presence of modified DNA in analysed products. According to the obtained results, it was concluded that there was no negative effect of the use of GM soya bean meal or maize grain found with regards to final product safety for consumers or to birds’ productivity.
Evaluation of the effect of genetically modified RR soya bean and MON 810 maize in the diet of Japanese quail on chosen aspects of their productivity and retention of transgenic DNA in tissues (held on an external server, and so may require additional authentication details)
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