Biotech benefits


The database contains 14 references relating to the Safety and Benefits of Biotechnology and "economic".

References relating to "economic":

  1. The global income and production effects of genetically modified (GM) crops 1996–2011
    (2013) ,
  2. Revisiting the Impact of Bt Corn Adoption by U.S. Farmers
    (2012) ,
  3. The potential economic and environmental impact of using current GM traits in Ukraine arable crop production
    (2012) ,
  4. The Commercial Benefits from Crop Biotechnology in Brazil: 1996/97 to 2010/11
  5. The impact of Bt cotton on poor households in rural India
    (2010) ,
  6. The Anticipated Value of SmartStax™ for US Corn Growers
    (2010) , ,
  7. Trade and commerce in improved crops and food: an essay on food security.
  8. Experience from use of GMOs in Argentinian agriculture, economy and environment
  9. Economic impacts of policies affecting crop biotechnology and trade
  10. Crop Biotechnology and the Future of Food:A Scientific Assessment
  11. The farm level impact of using GM agronomic traits in Polish arable crops
    (2005) ,
  12. Economic, ecological, food safety, and social consequences of the deployment of Bt transgenic plants.
    (2002) , ,