The database contains 4 references relating to the Safety and Benefits of Biotechnology and "Banana".
References relating to "Banana":
Benefits from the adoption of genetically engineered innovations in the Ugandan banana and cassava sectors: An ex ante analysis
Kikulwe EM, Falck-Zepeda JB, Oloka HK, Chambers JA, Komen J, Zambrano P, Wood-Sichra U, Hanson H
Genetically engineered bananas resistant to Xanthomonas wilt disease and nematodes
Tripathi L, Atkinson H, Roderick H
Genetically modified bananas: To mitigate food security concerns
Ghag SB, Ganapathi TR
Transgenic banana plants expressing Xanthomonas wilt resistance genes revealed a stable non-target bacterial colonization structure
Berg G, Koberi M, Kubiriba J, Nimusiima J, Staver C, Tumuhairwe JB